Journal of the ACM -- 1976
- A. V.
Aho, D. S.
Hirschberg, and J. D.
Ullman. Bounds on the complexity of the longest common subsequence
problem. Journal of the ACM, 23(1):1-12, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- C. K.
Wong and Ashok K.
Chandra. Bounds for the string editing problem. Journal of the
ACM, 23(1):13-16, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- M. Dennis Mickunas. On the
complete covering problem for LR(k) grammars.
Journal of the ACM, 23(1):17-30, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. R.
Ullman. An algorithm for subgraph isomorphism. Journal of the
ACM, 23(1):31-42, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- M.
R. Garey and D. S.
Johnson. The complexity of near-optimal graph coloring.
Journal of the ACM, 23(1):43-49, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Robert A. Wagner. A shortest
path algorithm for edge-sparse graphs. Journal of the ACM,
23(1):50-57, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Alberto Martelli. A Gaussian
elimination algorithm for the enumeration of cut sets in a graph.
Journal of the ACM, 23(1):58-73, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Narsingh
Deo. Note on Hopcroft and Tarjan's planarity algorithm.
Journal of the ACM, 23(1):74-75, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- C. T.
Yu and G. Salton.
Precision weighting -- an effective automatic indexing method.
Journal of the ACM, 23(1):76-88, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Kenny
S. Crump. Numerical inversion of Laplace transform using a Fourier
series approximation. Journal of the ACM, 23(1):89-96,
January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- D. Potier, E. Gelenbe, and J. Lenfant. Adaptive allocation
of central processing unit quanta. Journal of the ACM,
23(1):97-102, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- R. A.
Cody and E. G.
Coffman, Jr.. Record allocation for minimizing expected retrieval
costs on drum-like storage devices. Journal of the ACM,
23(1):103-115, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Sartaj K. Sahni. Algorithms for
scheduling independent tasks. Journal of the ACM,
23(1):116-127, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ronald Fagin and Malcolm C. Easton. The
independent of miss ratio on page size. Journal of the ACM,
23(1):128-146, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- D. S. Hirschberg and C. K. Wong. A polynomial-time
algorithm for the knapsack problem with two variables. Journal of
the ACM, 23(1):147-154, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Britton Harris. A code for the
transportation problem of linear programming. Journal of the
ACM, 23(1):155-157, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- John B.
Kam and Jeffrey D.
Ullman. Global data flow analysis and iterative algorithms.
Journal of the ACM, 23(1):158-171, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Susan L. Graham and Mark Wegman. A fast and usually
linear algorithm for global flow analysis. Journal of the
ACM, 23(1):172-202, January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Christoph M. Hoffmann and
Lawrence H.
Landweber. A completeness theorem for straight-line programs with
structured variables. Journal of the ACM, 23(1):203-220,
January 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 23, Number 2, April 1976
- Harold N. Gabow. An efficient
implementation of Edmonds' algorithm for maximum matching on graphs.
Journal of the ACM, 23(2):221-234, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Richard G. Larson. Efficient of
computation of Cayley tables of 2-groups. Journal of the
ACM, 23(2):235-241, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Richard P. Brent. Fast
multiple-precision evaluation of elementary functions. Journal of
the ACM, 23(2):242-251, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- H. T.
Kung. New algorithms and lower bounds for the parallel evaluation of
certain rational expressions and recurrences. Journal of the
ACM, 23(2):252-261, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Edward M. McCreight. A
space-economical suffix tree construction algorithm. Journal of
the ACM, 23(2):262-272, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- C. T.
Yu, W. S. Luk, and T. Y. Cheung. A statistical
model for relevance feedback in information retrieval. Journal of
the ACM, 23(2):273-286, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Alan Feldstein and Richard Goodman. Convergence
estimates for the distribution of trailing digits. Journal of the
ACM, 23(2):287-297, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Donald Fraser. Array permutation
by index-digit permutation. Journal of the ACM,
23(2):298-309, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marcello Pagano. On the linear
convergence of a covariance factorization algorithm. Journal of
the ACM, 23(2):310-316, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni. Exact and
approximate algorithms for scheduling nonidentical processors.
Journal of the ACM, 23(2):317-327, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Alan G. Konheim and Martin Reiser. A queueing model
with finite waiting room and blocking. Journal of the ACM,
23(2):328-341, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Thomas G. Price. A note on the
effect or the central processor service time distribution on processor
utilization in multiprogrammed computer systems. Journal of the
ACM, 23(2):342-346, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Donald L. Iglehart. Simulating
stable stochastic systems, VI, quantile estimation. Journal of the
ACM, 23(2):347-360, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Kenneth Lloyd Rider. A
simple approximation to the average queue size in the time-dependent
M/M/1 queue. Journal of the ACM, 23(2):361-367, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Steven L. Horowitz and Theodosios Pavlidis.
Picture segmentation by a tree traversal algorithm. Journal of the
ACM, 23(2):368-388, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ben Wegbreit and Jay M. Spitzen. Proving properties
of complex data structures. Journal of the ACM,
23(2):389-396, April 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 23, Number 3, July 1976
- Anonymous. Editor's note.
Journal of the ACM, 23(3):397, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- William H. Joyner Jr..
Resolution strategies as decision procedures. Journal of the
ACM, 23(3):398-417, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Lena
Chang and James F.
Korsh. Canonical coin changing and greedy solutions. Journal
of the ACM, 23(3):418-422, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Nicholas Pippenger and Leslie G. Valiant.
Shifting graphs and their applications. Journal of the ACM,
23(3):423-432, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Douglas C. Schmidt and Larry E. Druffel. A fast
backtracking algorithm to test directed graphs for isomorphism using
distance matrices. Journal of the ACM, 23(3):433-445, July
[BibTeX entry]
- Peter J. Slater.
R-domination in graphs. Journal of the ACM,
23(3):446-450, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- William H. Burge. An analysis of
binary search trees formed from sequences of nondistinct keys.
Journal of the ACM, 23(3):451-454, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. R.
Cash. Semi-implicit Runge-Kutta procedures with error estimates for
the numerical integration of stiff systems of ordinary differential
equations. Journal of the ACM, 23(3):455-460, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- M.
R. Garey and D. S.
Johnson. Scheduling tasks with nonuniform deadlines on two
processors. Journal of the ACM, 23(3):461-467, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ta
Huu Phuong. Solution of integer programs with a quadratic objective
function. Journal of the ACM, 23(3):468-474, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- V. Srinivasan. Linear programming
computational procedures for ordinal regression. Journal of the
ACM, 23(3):475-487, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- A. V.
Aho and S. C. Johnson.
Optimal code generation for expression trees. Journal of the
ACM, 23(3):488-501, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- John
Bruno and Ravi Sethi.
Code generation for a one-register machine. Journal of the
ACM, 23(3):502-510, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- M. D. Mickunas, R. L. Lancaster, and V. B. Schneider. Transforming
LR(k) grammars to LR(1), SLR(1), and (1,1) bounded
right-context grammars. Journal of the ACM, 23(3):511-533,
July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- David E. Muller and Franco P. Preparata.
Restructuring of arithmetic expressions for parallel evaluation.
Journal of the ACM, 23(3):534-543, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Christos H.
Papadimitriou. On the complexity of edge traversing. Journal
of the ACM, 23(3):544-554, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Sartaj Sahni and Teofilo Gonzalez. P-complete
approximation problems. Journal of the ACM, 23(3):555-565,
July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Andrew Chi-Chih Yao and Foong Frances Yao.
Lower bounds on merging networks. Journal of the ACM,
23(3):566-571, July 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- R. A.
Cody and E. G.
Coffman, Jr.. Errata: ``Record allocation for minimizing expected
retrieval costs on drum-like storage devices''. Journal of the
ACM, 23(3):572, July 1976.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 23, Number 4, October 1976
- G. E. Peterson. Theorem
proving with lemmas. Journal of the ACM, 23(4):573-581,
October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Seymour Ginsburg and Nancy Lynch. Size complexity in
context-free grammars forms. Journal of the ACM,
23(4):582-598, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Yoram Yakimovsky. Boundary and
object detection and real world images. Journal of the ACM,
23(4):599-618, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Mark J. Eisner and Dennis G. Severance.
Mathematical techniques for efficient record segmentation in large
shared databases. Journal of the ACM, 23(4):619-635,
October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- D. E.
Heller, D. K.
Stevenson, and J. F.
Traub. Accelerated iterative methods for the solution of tridiagonal
systems on parallel computers. Journal of the ACM,
23(4):636-654, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- John
L. Bruno. Sequencing jobs with stochastic task structures on a
single machine. Journal of the ACM, 23(4):655-664, October
[BibTeX entry]
- Teofilo Gonzalez and Sartaj Sahni. Open shop
scheduling to minimize finish time. Journal of the ACM,
23(4):665-679, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Z.
Rosberg and I. Adiri.
Multilevel queues with extremal priorities. Journal of the
ACM, 23(4):680-690, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ben Wegbreit. Verifying program
performance. Journal of the ACM, 23(4):691-699, October
[BibTeX entry]
- John
P. Hayes. Enumeration of fanout-free Boolean functions.
Journal of the ACM, 23(4):700-709, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- S.
Even and R. E.
Tarjan. A combinatorial problem which is complete in polynomial
space. Journal of the ACM, 23(4):710-719, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- R. J. Lipton, S. C. Eisenstat, and R. A DeMillo. Space and time
hierarchies for classes of control structures and data structures.
Journal of the ACM, 23(4):720-732, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]
- M. H.
Van Emden and R. A.
Kowalski. The semantics of predicate logic as a programming
language. Journal of the ACM, 23(4):733-742, October 1976.
[BibTeX entry]