Journal of the ACM -- 1989
- John
H. Muller and Jeremy
Spinrad. Incremental modular decomposition. Journal of the
ACM, 36(1):1-19, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. A. Brzozowski and C-J. Seger. A unified framework for
race analysis of asynchronous networks. Journal of the ACM,
36(1):20-45, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- William W. McCune and Lawrence J. Henschen.
Maintaining state constraints in relational databases: A proof theoretic
basis. Journal of the ACM, 36(1):46-68, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Jeffrey F. Naughton.
Minimizing function-free recursive inference rules. Journal of the
ACM, 36(1):69-91, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Jens M.
Dill. A counterexample for ``A simpler construction for showing the
intrinsically exponential complexity of the circularity problem for
attribute grammars''. Journal of the ACM, 36(1):92-96,
January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Paul
Helman. A common schema for dynamic programming and branch and bound
algorithms. Journal of the ACM, 36(1):97-128, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Joan
Boyar. Inferring sequences produced by pseudo-random number
generators. Journal of the ACM, 36(1):129-141, January
[BibTeX entry]
- Michael Kaminski. A note on
probabilistically verifying integer and polynomial products.
Journal of the ACM, 36(1):142-149, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Michael Kaminski and Nader H. Bshouty. Multiplicative
complexity of polynomial multiplication over finite fields.
Journal of the ACM, 36(1):150-170, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Edmundo de Souza e Silva
and H. Richard Gail.
Calculating availability and performability measures of repairable
computer systems using randomization. Journal of the ACM,
36(1):171-193, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Edmundo de Souza e Silva
and S. S.
Lavenberg. Calculating joint queue-length distributions in
product-form queuing networks. Journal of the ACM,
36(1):194-207, January 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 36, Number 2, April 1989
- John
D. Hobby. Rasterizing curves of constant width. Journal of the
ACM, 36(2):209-229, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Catriel Beeri, Philip A. Bernstein, and Nathan Goodman. A model
for concurrency in nested transactions systems. Journal of the
ACM, 36(2):230-269, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Walter Cunto and J. Ian Munro. Average case
selection. Journal of the ACM, 36(2):270-279, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Rolf
Klein and Derick
Wood. On the path length of binary trees. Journal of the
ACM, 36(2):280-289, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- G. K. Manacher, T. D. Bui, and T. Mai. Optimum combinations of sorting
and merging. Journal of the ACM, 36(2):290-334, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Michael O. Rabin. Efficient
dispersal of information for security, load balancing, and fault
tolerance. Journal of the ACM, 36(2):335-348, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Arnon Rosenthal and José A. Pino. A
generalized algorithm for centrality problems on trees. Journal of
the ACM, 36(2):349-361, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- G. Bilardi and F. P. Preparata. Size-time
complexity of Boolean networks for prefix computations. Journal of
the ACM, 36(2):362-382, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- L.
Pitt. Probabilistic inductive inference. Journal of the
ACM, 36(2):383-433, April 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 36, Number 3, July 1989
- Csaba P. Gabor, Kenneth J. Supowit, and Wen-Lian Hsu. Recognizing
circle graphs in polynomial time. Journal of the ACM,
36(3):435-473, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Thomas Lengauer. Hierarchical
planarity testing algorithms. Journal of the ACM,
36(3):474-509, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- David
Peleg and Eli Upfal. A
trade-off between space and efficiency for routing tables. Journal
of the ACM, 36(3):510-530, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Nicholas Pippenger.
Invariance of complexity measures for networks with unreliable gates.
Journal of the ACM, 36(3):531-539, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Harold N. Gabow, Zvi Galil, and Thomas H. Spencer. Efficient
implementation of graph algorithms using contraction. Journal of
the ACM, 36(3):540-572, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Sanjiv Kapoor and Edward M. Reingold. Optimum
lopsided binary trees. Journal of the ACM, 36(3):573-590,
July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Benny
Chor, Michael
Merritt, and David B.
Shmoys. Simple constant-time consensus protocols in realistic
failure models. Journal of the ACM, 36(3):591-614, July
[BibTeX entry]
- François
Baccelli, William A.
Massey, and Don
Towsley. Acyclic fork-join queuing networks. Journal of the
ACM, 36(3):615-642, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Paul
Beame and Johan
Hastad. Optimal bounds for decision problems on the CRCW PRAM.
Journal of the ACM, 36(3):643-670, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ming Li
and Yaacov Yesha. New
lower bounds for parallel computation. Journal of the ACM,
36(3):671-680, July 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 36, Number 4, October 1989
- Thomas
Dean. Using temporal hierarchies to efficiently maintain large
temporal databases. Journal of the ACM, 36(4):687-718,
October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Loren K. Platzman and John J. Bartholdi, III.
Spacefilling curves and the planar travelling salesman problem.
Journal of the ACM, 36(4):719-737, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Martin Dowd, Yehoshua Perl, Larry Rudolph, and Michael Saks. The periodic
balanced sorting network. Journal of the ACM,
36(4):738-757, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Serge Abiteboul and Victor Vianu. A transaction-based
approach to relational database specification. Journal of the
ACM, 36(4):758-789, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marc Gyssens, Jan Paredaens, and Dirk Van Gucht. A uniform
approach toward handling atomic and structured information in the nested
relational database model. Journal of the ACM,
36(4):790-825, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Jan L. A. van de
Snepscheut and Johan
B. Swenker. On the design of some systolic algorithms. Journal
of the ACM, 36(4):826-840, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Joost Engelfriet and Gilberto Filé.
Passes, sweeps, and visits in attribute grammars. Journal of the
ACM, 36(4):841-869, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Juha Kortelainen. The
conjecture of Fliess on commutative context-free languages.
Journal of the ACM, 36(4):870-872, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan. Finding
minimum-cost circulations by canceling negative cycles. Journal of
the ACM, 36(4):873-886, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ilaria Castellani and Matthew Hennessy.
Distributed bisimulations. Journal of the ACM,
36(4):887-911, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Eric W. Allender. P-uniform
circuit complexity. Journal of the ACM, 36(4):912-928,
October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]
- Anselm Blumer, Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler, and Manfred K. Warmuth.
Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Journal of the
ACM, 36(4):929-965, October 1989.
[BibTeX entry]