Journal of the ACM -- 1990
- Phokion G. Kolaitis and Christos H.
Papadimitriou. Some computational aspects of circumscription.
Journal of the ACM, 37(1):1-14, January 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Paris C. Kanellakis,
and Moshe Y. Vardi.
Polynomial-time implication problems for unary inclusion dependencies.
Journal of the ACM, 37(1):15-46, January 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Joxan
Jaffar. Minimal and complete word unification. Journal of the
ACM, 37(1):47-85, January 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Joseph Y. Halpern, John H. Williams, and Edward L. Wimmers. Completeness
of rewrite rules and rewrite strategies for FP. Journal of the
ACM, 37(1):86-143, January 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Charles Knessl and Charles Tier. Asymptotic
expansions for large closed queuing networks. Journal of the
ACM, 37(1):144-174, January 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Attila
Máté. Nondeterministic polynomial-time computations
and models of arithmetic. Journal of the ACM,
37(1):175-193, January 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 37, Number 2, April 1990
- Henry
W. Davis. Cost-error relationships in A* tree-searching.
Journal of the ACM, 37(2):195-199, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Bernard Chazelle. Lower
bounds for orthogonal range searching: I. the reporting case.
Journal of the ACM, 37(2):200-212, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ravindra K. Ahuja, Kurt Mehlhorn, James B. Orlin, and Robert E. Tarjan. Faster
algorithms for the shortest path problem. Journal of the
ACM, 37(2):213-223, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Béla
Bollobás, Andrei Z. Broder, and Istvan Simon. The cost
distribution of clustering in random probing. Journal of the
ACM, 37(2):224-237, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Baruch Awerbuch, Oded Goldreich, David Peleg, and Ronen Vainish. A trade-off
between information and communication in broadcast protocols.
Journal of the ACM, 37(2):238-256, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Maurice Herlihy. Concurrency
and availability as dual properties of replicated atomic data.
Journal of the ACM, 37(2):257-278, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Martín Abadi and Zohar Manna. Nonclausal
deduction in first-order temporal logic. Journal of the
ACM, 37(2):279-317, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Farhad Shahrokhi and D. W. Matula. The maximum
concurrent flow problem. Journal of the ACM, 37(2):318-334,
April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. A. Bergstra, J. Heering, and P. Klint. Module algebra.
Journal of the ACM, 37(2):335-372, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- François Baccelli
and Zhen Lu. On the execution
of parallel programs on multiprocessor systems -- a queuing theory
approach. Journal of the ACM, 37(2):373-414, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ker-I Ko.
Separating and collapsing results on the relativized probabilistic
polynomial-time hierarchy. Journal of the ACM,
37(2):415-438, April 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 37, Number 3, July 1990
- Bernard Chazelle. Lower
bounds for orthogonal range searching II. the arithmetic model.
Journal of the ACM, 37(3):439-463, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Lawrence L. Larmore and Daniel S. Hirschberg.
A fast algorithm for optimal length-limited Huffman codes. Journal
of the ACM, 37(3):464-473, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marc H. Graham and Ke Wang. On the equivalence of an egd
to a set of fd's. Journal of the ACM, 37(3):474-490, July
[BibTeX entry]
- In
Kyung Ryu and Alexander Thomasian.
Analysis of database performance with dynamic locking. Journal of
the ACM, 37(3):491-523, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Hagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, David Peleg, and Rüdiger Reischuk.
Renaming in an asynchronous environment. Journal of the
ACM, 37(3):524-548, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Joseph Y. Halpern and Yoram Moses. Knowledge and common
knowledge in a distributed environment. Journal of the ACM,
37(3):549-587, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Aydin Üresin and Michel Dubois. Parallel
asynchronous algorithms for discrete data. Journal of the
ACM, 37(3):588-606, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Ariel
Orda and Raphael Rom.
Shortest-path and minimum-delay algorithms in networks with
time-dependent edge-length. Journal of the ACM,
37(3):607-625, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Yijie
Han and Robert A.
Wagner. An efficient and fast parallel-connected component
algorithm. Journal of the ACM, 37(3):626-642, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- K. R. Pattipati, M. M. Kostreva, and J. L. Teele. Approximate mean value
analysis algorithms for queuing networks: Existence, uniqueness, and
convergence results. Journal of the ACM, 37(3):643-673,
July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Yuri Gurevich and Saharon Shelah. Nondeterministic
linear-time tasks may require substantially nonlinear deterministic time
in the case of sublinear work space. Journal of the ACM,
37(3):674-687, July 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 37, Number 4, October 1990
- Wojciech Szpankowski.
Patricia tries again revisited. Journal of the ACM,
37(4):691-711, October 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- David A. Briggs. A correction of
the termination conditions of the Henschen-Naqvi technique.
Journal of the ACM, 37(4):712-719, October 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Danny Dolev, Ruediger Reischuk, and H. Raymond Strong. Early
stopping in Byzantine agreement. Journal of the ACM,
37(4):720-741, October 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Tobias Nipkow. Unification in
primal algebras, their powers and their varieties. Journal of the
ACM, 37(4):742-776, October 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- Gopalan Nadathur and Dale Miller. Higher-order Horn
clauses. Journal of the ACM, 37(4):777-814, October 1990.
[BibTeX entry]
- J. R. B. Cockett and J. A. Hierrera. Decision tree
reduction. Journal of the ACM, 37(4):815-842, October 1990.
Additional information.
[BibTeX entry]
- Dorit S. Hochbaum and J. George Shanthikumar.
Convex separable optimization is not much harder than linear
optimization. Journal of the ACM, 37(4):843-862, October
[BibTeX entry]
- Peter G. Harrison and Naresh M. Patel. The
representation of multistage interconnection networks in queuing models
of parallel systems. Journal of the ACM, 37(4):863-898,
October 1990.
[BibTeX entry]