Journal of the ACM -- 1993
- Jean Gallier, Paliath Narendran, David Plaisted, Stan Raatz, and Wayne Snyder. An algorithm for
finding canonical sets of ground rewrite rules in polynomial time.
Journal of the ACM, 40(1):1-16, January 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Danny Dolev, Cynthia Dwork, Orli Waarts, and Moti Yung. Perfectly secure message
transmission. Journal of the ACM, 40(1):17-47, January
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- John D.
Hobby. Generating automatically tuned bitmaps from outlines.
Journal of the ACM, 40(1):48-94, January 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Leonard Pitt and Manfred K. Warmuth. The
minimum consistent DFA problem cannot be approximated within any
polynomial. Journal of the ACM, 40(1):95-142, January 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Robert Harper, Furio Honsell, and Gordon Plotkin. A framework for
defining logics. Journal of the ACM, 40(1):143-184, January
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Dana Angluin, Lisa Hellerstein, and Marek Karpinski. Learning
read-once formulas with queries. Journal of the ACM,
40(1):185-210, January 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 40, Number 2, April 1993
- Nader H. Bshouty. On the
complexity of functions for random access machines. Journal of the
ACM, 40(2):211-223, April 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Andrea S. LaPaugh.
Recontamination does not help to search a graph. Journal of the
ACM, 40(2):224-245, April 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- David McAllester and Robert Givan. Taxonomic syntax
for first order inference. Journal of the ACM,
40(2):246-283, April 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- David A. McAllester.
Automatic recognition of tractability in inference relations.
Journal of the ACM, 40(2):284-303, April 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- David
M. Nicol. The cost of conservative synchronization in parallel
discrete event simulations. Journal of the ACM,
40(2):304-333, April 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Gil
Neiger and Sam Toueg.
Simulating synchronized clocks and common knowledge in distributed
systems. Journal of the ACM, 40(2):334-367, April 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Thomas Lengauer and Egon Wanke. Efficient decision
procedures for graph properties on context-free graph languages.
Journal of the ACM, 40(2):368-393, April 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Kin K.
Leung. An execution/sleep scheduling policy for serving an
additional job in priority queueing systems. Journal of the
ACM, 40(2):394-417, April 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 40, Number 3, July 1993
- Don Coppersmith, Peter Doyle, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Marc Snir. Random walks on
weighted graphs and applications to on-line algorithms. Journal of
the ACM, 40(3):421-453, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Howard J. Karloff and Prabhakar Raghavan.
Randomized algorithms and pseudorandom numbers. Journal of the
ACM, 40(3):454-476, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Franz Baader. Unification in
commutative theories, Hilbert's basis theorem and Gröbner bases.
Journal of the ACM, 40(3):477-503, July 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Neil V. Murray and Erik Rosenthal. Dissolution:
Making paths vanish. Journal of the ACM, 40(3):504-535,
July 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- C. A.
Johnson. Factorization and circuit in the connection method.
Journal of the ACM, 40(3):536-557, July 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Tie-Cheng Wang. Z-module
reasoning: An equality-oriented proving method with built-in ring
axioms. Journal of the ACM, 40(3):558-606, July 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Nathan Linial, Yishay Mansour, and Noam Nisan. Constant depth circuits,
Fourier transform and learnability. Journal of the ACM,
40(3):607-620, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Kurt Mehlhorn and Athanasios Tsakalidis.
Dynamic interpolation search. Journal of the ACM,
40(3):621-634, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Marc J. van Kreveld and Mark H. Overmars.
Union-copy structures and dynamic segment trees. Journal of the
ACM, 40(3):635-652, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- J.
C. M. Baeten, J. A.
Bergstra, and J. W.
Klop. Decidability of bisimulation equivalence for processes
generating context-free languages. Journal of the ACM,
40(3):653-682, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Haim Gaifman, Harry Mairson, Yehoshua Sagiv, and Moshe Y. Vardi. Undecidable
optimization problems for database logic programs. Journal of the
ACM, 40(3):683-713, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Randolph Nelson and Donald Towsley. A performance
evaluation of several priority policies for parallel processing systems.
Journal of the ACM, 40(3):714-740, July 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Sandeep Bhatt and Jin-Yi Cai. Taking random walks to
grow trees in hypercubes. Journal of the ACM,
40(3):741-764, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Richard M. Karp and Yanjun Zhang. Randomized parallel
algorithms for backtrack search and branch-and-bound computation.
Journal of the ACM, 40(3):765-789, July 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 40, Number 4, September 1993
- Edith
Cohen and Nimrod
Megiddo. Strongly polynomial-time and NC algorithms for detecting
cycles in periodic graphs. Journal of the ACM,
40(4):791-830, September 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Philip
S. Yu, Daniel M.
Dias, and Stephen
S. Lavenberg. On the analytical modeling of database concurrency
control. Journal of the ACM, 40(4):831-872, September 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Yehuda Afek, Hagit Attiya, Danny Dolev, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt, and Nir Shavit. Atomic snapshots of
shared memory. Journal of the ACM, 40(4):873-890, September
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Foto Afrati and Christos H.
Papadimitriou. The parallel complexity of simple logic programs.
Journal of the ACM, 40(4):891-916, September 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Joseph Y. Halpern and Mark R. Tuttle. Knowledge,
probability, and adversaries. Journal of the ACM,
40(4):917-962, September 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- V.
Wiktor Marek, Grigori F. Schwarz, and Miros{\l}aw
Truszczy\'nski. Modal nonmonotonic logics: Ranges, characterization,
computation. Journal of the ACM, 40(4):963-990, September
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
Volume 40, Number 5, November 1993
- E. G. Coffman, Jr. and M. R. Garey. Proof of the
4/3 conjecture for preemptive vs. nonpreemptive two-processor
scheduling. Journal of the ACM, 40(5):991-1018, November
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Zhi-Quan Luo and John N. Tsitsiklis. On the
communication complexity of distributed algebraic computation.
Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1019-1047, November 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Bruce Donald, Patrick Xavier, John Canny, and John Reif. Kinodynamic motion
planning. Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1048-1066, November
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Y. C.
Tay. On the optimality of strategies for multiple joins.
Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1067-1086, November 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Alan Fekete, Nancy Lynch, Yishay Mansour, and John Spinelli. The impossibility
of implementing reliable communication in the face of crashes.
Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1087-1107, November 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Martin Charles Golumbic
and Ron Shamir. Complexity
and algorithms for reasoning about time: A graph-theoretic approach.
Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1108-1133, November 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Stefan Arnborg, Bruno Courcelle, Andrzej Proskurowski, and
Detlef Seese. An
algebraic theory of graph reduction. Journal of the ACM,
40(5):1134-1164, November 1993.
and Citations.
[BibTeX entry]
- Jean Fonlupt and Armand Nachef. Dynamic
programming and the graphical traveling salesman problem. Journal
of the ACM, 40(5):1165-1187, November 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- Alain Jean-Marie and Levent Gün. Parallel queues
with resequencing. Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1188-1208,
November 1993.
[BibTeX entry]
- François
Baccelli, Zhen Liu, and
Don Towsley. Extremal
scheduling of parallel processing with and without real-time
constraints. Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1209-1237, November
[BibTeX entry]
- Charles Knessl. On the sojourn
time distribution in a finite capacity processor shared queue.
Journal of the ACM, 40(5):1238-1301, November 1993.
[BibTeX entry]