First IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Boston, Mass., USA, July 9-11, 2007
Call for Short Papers: CLOSED
Prospective authors interested in presenting short papers at SASO 2007 are invited to read the following call, also available in text format.
Call for Short Application and
Work-in-Progress Papers
SASO 2007
International Conference on
Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
Boston, Mass., USA, July 9-11, 2007
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society,
Task Force on Autonomous and Autonomic Systems
(approval pending)
Technical co-sponsors: ACM SIGOPS, ACM SIGART
and IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
(approval pending)
The complexity of current computer systems has led the software engineering, distributed systems and management communities to look for inspiration in diverse fields (e.g., robotics, artificial intelligence or biology) to find new ways of designing and managing networks, systems and services. In this endeavor, self-organization and self-adaptation have emerged as two promising facets of a paradigm shift.
Self-adaptive systems work in a top-down manner. They evaluate their own global behavior and change it when the evaluation indicates that they are not accomplishing what they were intended to do, or when better functionality or performance is possible. Self-organizing systems work bottom-up. They are composed of a large number of components that interact locally according to simple rules. The global behavior of the system emerges from these local interactions, and it is difficult to deduce properties of the global system by studying only the local properties of its parts.
This edition of SASO will focus on engineering, as opposed to speculative and conjectural visions. Contributions should present novel theoretical results, or practical experience with building systems, tools, frameworks, etc. Contributions contrasting different approaches for engineering a given family of systems, or demonstrating the applicability of a certain approach for different systems are particularly encouraged.
For the Applications Track, SASO 2007 seeks short application and work-in-progress papers. These submissions should report on experience with self-adaptive or self-organizing systems, or present preliminary research work with a high potential for practical applications. Industrial experience papers are welcomed too.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee. Selected short papers will be presented during dedicated sessions and published in the conference proceedings.
- Self-* properties:
- self-organization
- self-adaptiveness
- self-management
- self-monitoring
- self-tuning
- self-repair
- self-configuration
- etc.
- Theories, frameworks and methods for self-* systems
- Management and control of self-* systems
- Robustness and dependability of self-* systems
- Engineering and control of emergent properties in self-* systems
- Biologically and socially inspired self-* systems
Systems & Technologies
- P2P applications
- Mobile robots
- Sensor networks
- Mobile ad hoc networks
- Grids
- Embedded systems, ubiquitous computing
- Autonomic computing, autonomic communications
- Computer networks, telecommunication networks
- Multi-agent systems
- E-business systems and services
- Complex adaptive systems
Research Communities
- Distributed artificial intelligence
- Networking
- Software engineering
- Distributed systems
- Integrated management
- Robotics
- Knowledge-based systems
- Machine learning
- Control theory
- Mathematical optimization
Submission Instructions
See conference website. All submissions should be 4 pages and formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press style guide.
All inquiries should be sent to the SASO 2007 Applications Track Chair:
Franco Zambonelli
Università di Modena e Reggio
Submission: February 26, 2007
Notification: March 26, 2007 April 2, 2007
Final paper: April 6, 2007 April 15, 2007