OCT 5 : 2014 MIT CSAIL Student Workshop
General Information
The CSAIL Student Workshop (CSW) is an informal venue organized by the students, for the students. It brings together student researchers in disparate fields by providing a platform for interaction and the exchange of ideas. The CSAIL Student Workshop provides students the opportunity to find out what friends are doing and show off innovations. Plus, it's an opportunity to get out of Cambridge for the day on someone else's dime. If you're a new student or old, don't miss it!
Call for Papers
The 10th annual CSAIL Student Workshop (CSW) seeks short papers and posters/demos. Papers must be accompanied by a presentation five to ten minutes in length. All those who submit a paper and/or poster will be awarded a $20 Amazon gift card!
The CSAIL Student Workshop is accepting submissions in applied and theoretical research in ALL areas of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, including (but not limited to):
- Theory
- Language
- Systems
- Learning
- Networks
- Vision
- Architecture
- Graphics
- Robotics
- Biological and Computational Systems
- Semantic Systems
- Human Computer Interaction
Come share your work and your ideas with us on October 5th!
Registration and Paper / Poster submissions
The registration information and paper/poster submission instructions can be found on the Registration / Submissions page.
This year, we will be having the event at MIT's Endicott House. Transportation will be provided and registration is free.

The MIT Endicott house is located at 80 Haven Street, Dedham, MA (again, we provide transportation), and more information about the venue can be found here
Awards (with cash prizes!) will be given for: Best Overall (1st: $75, 2nd: $50), Most Exciting Presentation (1st: $50, 2nd: $25), and Best Poster/Demo (1st: $50, 2nd: $25). All accepted submissions will compete for Best Overall. Only papers and presentations will compete for Most Exciting Presentation.
Some important dates
- Deadline for all pre-registration: September 28
- Camera-ready Copy Due: October 2
- Workshop date: October 5
Present your ideas, get useful feedback, and enjoy a day of brainstorming and networking with fellow graduate students. We hope this breadth-oriented workshop will be both valuable and enjoyable.