Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDictionary Provides the main dictionary interface and a default implementation. Provides several simple classes that can be used to find the stems of words using Wordnet. 

Uses of IDictionary in

Subinterfaces of IDictionary in
 interface ICachingDictionary
          Provides a governing interface for dictionaries that cache their results.
 interface IDataSourceDictionary
          A type of IDictionary which uses an instance of an IDataProvider to obtain its data.
 interface IRAMDictionary
          Interface that governs dictionaries that can be completely loaded into memory.

Classes in that implement IDictionary
 class CachingDictionary
          A dictionary that caches the results of another dictionary
 class DataSourceDictionary
          Basic implementation of the IDictionary interface.
 class Dictionary
          Basic IDictionary implementation that mounts files on disk and has caching.
 class RAMDictionary
           Default implementation of the IRAMDictionary interface.

Fields in declared as IDictionary
protected  IDictionary RAMDictionary.backing

Methods in that return IDictionary
static IDictionary RAMDictionary.createBackingDictionary( file)
          Creates a DataSourceDictionary out of the specified file, as long as the file points to an existing local directory.
static IDictionary RAMDictionary.createBackingDictionary( url)
          Creates a DataSourceDictionary out of the specified url, as long as the url points to an existing local directory.
 IDictionary RAMDictionary.getBackingDictionary()
          Returns the dictionary that backs this instance.
 IDictionary CachingDictionary.getBackingDictionary()
          Returns the dictionary that is wrapped by this dictionary; will never return null

Constructors in with parameters of type IDictionary
CachingDictionary(IDictionary backing)
          Constructs a new caching dictionary that caches the results of the specified backing dictionary
RAMDictionary.DataLoader(IDictionary source)
          Constructs a new data loader object, that uses the specified dictionary to load its data.
RAMDictionary(IDictionary dict, int loadPolicy)
          Constructs a new RAMDictionary that will load the contents of the wrapped dictionary into memory, with the specified load policy.
RAMDictionary(IDictionary backing, IRAMDictionary.IInputStreamFactory factory, int loadPolicy)
          This is a internal constructor that unifies the constructor decision matrix.

Uses of IDictionary in

Methods in that return IDictionary
 IDictionary WordnetStemmer.getDictionary()
          Returns the dictionary in use by the stemmer; will not return null

Constructors in with parameters of type IDictionary
WordnetStemmer(IDictionary dict)
          Constructs a WordnetStemmer that, naturally, requires a Wordnet dictionary.

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