
Provides classes that encode the sorting order of the Wordnet file lines, to enable searching.


Interface Summary
ICommentDetector A detector for comment lines in data resources.
ILineComparator A string comparator that may have an associated comment detector.

Class Summary
CommentComparator Default comment detector that is designed for comments found at the head of Wordnet dictionary files.
DataLineComparator A line comparator that captures the ordering of lines in Wordnet data files (e.g., data.adv or adv.dat files).
ExceptionLineComparator A comparator that captures the ordering of lines in Wordnet exception files (e.g., exc.adv or adv.exc files).
IndexLineComparator A comparator that captures the ordering of lines in Wordnet index files (e.g., index.adv or adv.idx files).
SenseKeyLineComparator A comparator that captures the ordering of lines in sense index files (e.g., the sense.index file).

Package Description

Provides classes that encode the sorting order of the Wordnet file lines, to enable searching.

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