GSB Dating: A lot can happen in 8 minutes.
- To: ai-tech-sq@
- Subject: GSB Dating: A lot can happen in 8 minutes.
- From: "Jaime B. Teevan" <teevan@>
- Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 13:57:43 -0500 (EST)
How GSB Dating works:
Every Friday, we invite you to a gathering of an equal number of men and
women* at a local restaurant, bar, or NE43-7ai. When the Host starts the
event, you go to your assigned couch, write the name of the person you're
talking with on your GSB Dating Card, and say hello to your date! You
have 2^3 minutes to chat. Don't worry; the conversations are fun and
casual, usually centering on LISP machines and network architecture.
You'll notice that the energy in the room is high because it's a lot of
fun to meet new people! After 8 minutes, a prolonged silence in the room
will indicate the end of your date. Take a moment to check off whether
you'd like to meet this person again, either for Dating, Friendship or
Online Gaming. Remember, you're not expected to fall in love in 8 minutes!
For each subsequent date, everyone gets up and moves to their next
assigned couch. Keep in mind the numbers are in your favor - of the
n(n-1)/2 possible relationships formed this evening, at least some are
bound to work.
GSB Dating is fast, cheap, and guaranteed:
Have 8 great dates in one fun night. Why spend a long and expensive blind
date with just one person when you can date 8 computer scientists in one
night of GSB Dating for only $1.50 ($2.00 if you ask). We're so confident
that GSB Dating will work for you, we're putting our reputation on the
line. If you don't meet someone who you want to see again, remind
yourself of the slim pickings at MIT and reconsider.
What women are saying about GSB Dating:
"I was pleasantly surprised to find a very nice group of people. All were
very respectful and reasonable...not the bottom-of-the-barrel dregs of the
earth that I was expecting to find at an event like this!"
What men are saying about GSB Dating:
"All I knew was that I was going to talk to at least eight single women
for at least eight minutes each and I knew that was more than I'd talked
to in my life."
Join us and receive a free drink if you've tried speed dating and share
your experience at tonight's ...
****************** G I R L S C O U T B E N E F I T ******************
****************** 5:30pm 7AI Playroom ******************
* 90% margin of error.
Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn
yaks, the den-mothers at csail
Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:54 2008