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The new White House email sorting algorithm

The new White House email sorting algorithm based on the new White House email submission forms:

Question 1: My comment is...
a) In agreement with Bush
b) In opposition with Bush

Question 2-n: Are really not necessary we just ask them in order to feel important.

If Q1='a' respond:

Thank you for your support. If you would like to see this policy continued you must, er rather, are encouraged to donate to the 'W' campaign fund. Please stamp all official donations with at least 2oz of crude oil to show your support.

if Q1='b' respond:

Thank you for your opinion. We here at the White House are very busy. To get our attention we require, er rather, encourage you to donate to the 'W' campaign fund. These new measures are necessary because in the past too many resources have been wasted on people like you who simply want to contribute "ideas" and "intellectual debate" instead of cold hard cash. This is not to say that "your issue" is not important to us but so many corporations are giving us money that it is really much simpler to conduct our business in this manner. This economy of scale will result in a streamlined government that you will not have to worry your little head over. So go have a cup of tea or perhaps some bourbon and consider sending us that cash.

Thank you,
The administration

To see for yourself check out webmail off of:

I think our government is an unknown authority. Surprising thing is my web browser figured it out as well:

Discus campaign policy and email filters at tonights:
         +-                                                 -+
            girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 7ai playroom
         +-                                                 -+

            [ for those coming from elsewhere: building ne43,
              http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?locate=bldg_ne43 ]

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Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:54 2008