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Intelligent Design

This week the Kansas State school board ruled that CSAIL must revert to LCS and all work on Artificial Intelligence be halted immediately. Kansas School board members have declared that Artificial Intelligence challenges creationist theories of the origin of life which, by popular agreement, must be true.

The influential, Intelligent Design Network, has remained neutral on the ruling due to the paradox of a successful AI project proving them both correct, that life is the result of intelligent design, and proving them wrong by the fact that God(*) was not enrolled in the AI lab and thus was not the designer (unless God does in fact enroll, in which case all bets are off). (http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/)

In a shocking turn of events, researchers from the former AI lab have come forward to announce that they will in fact cease and desist in their research. An anonymous graduate student reported, "This incident in Kansas has shown us that real intelligence is so screwed up that we could never hope to model and emulate it with anything artificial, I think we should all just be realistic and throw in the towel."

(*) In keeping with GSB policy, for being mentioned by name, God is eligible for a free beverage this evening. Show up to find out is she will claim a root beer or something stronger?
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Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:53 2008