GSB members talk back
- To: <csail-discuss@>
- Subject: GSB members talk back
- From: "Michael McGeachie" <mmcgeach@>
- Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 15:54:09 -0500
- Cc:
Some of you, and you know who you are, have been ignoring these weekly
messages. However some of your coworkers find our messages so engaging,
so thought-provoking, so
xpand, that they are motivated, nay--compelled, to write back to GSB.
And without further procrastination, we present the first edition of...
>From the GSB Inbox!
Bryt Bradley: (in response to 'Orkut vs. Friendster')
Dude! You totally left out myspace.com & (of course) Live Journal. :(
GSB: sorry! Will you still be my 'friend' on Orkut?
Christopher Peikert: (in response to 'Orkut vs. Friendster')
Please don't tease me. I have *lusted* after an orkut membership for
*too long* to just be sent to the homepage without an official
invitation! Send a real link, or be forever deemed in my mind as an
intolerable orkut-flirt!!!
GSB: lust no further! Anyone who sends me an email and 100$US in
non-sequential, unmarked twenties can have an invitation.
Rodney Brooks: (in response to 'Orkut vs. Friendster')
Please let me be your friend!
GSB: ok, sure.
Jon Doyle, my Advisor: (in response to 'Q&A with a Postmodernist')
I knew you should give up the postmodern reading. Take up raising
hamsters, it's safer.
GSB: Yessir!
Fern DeOliveira: (in response to 'GSB Caucuses')
At 04:18 PM 1/23/2004, you wrote:
At 6:45, _Rebeveraging_ takes place
is this even a word???
GSB: you're right. You caught us. We mangle the language and generally
escape without so much as a fine. Remember the 'Talk Like a Pirate'
James Peng: (in response to 'A Zen Koan')
I am on a business trip from Jan 6 - Jan 31/ 2004. Consequently, I might
not be able to respond to your e-mail in time. However, during this
period, I will try to check my e-mail on a daily basis and get back to
you as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience !!
GSB: Although one correct answer to the question posed in the Koan was
"three figs on a branch," this response also earns full points.
Michal Karczmarek: (in response to 'GSB Sarcastic Socialization Tips')
you are one sick sob, mike
GSB: hey, don't blame me, I just call it like I see it.
Dave Anderson, GSL Czar: (in response to 'Love between CSAIL and Sloan')
thank goodness, for all our sakes, you don't have to write GSL messages,
GSB: We'll let you borrow our staff writers if you let us be your
'friend' on Orkut.
That's all there was in the inbox today. Future issues of the GSB
newsletter promise to be more than just one-way communiqués! Start a
trend! Be on the bleeding edge of this week's...
+- -+
girl scout benefit -+- 5:30 pm -+- 7ai playroom
+- -+
[ for those coming from elsewhere: building ne43,
http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?locate=bldg_ne43 ]
Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn
yaks, the den-mothers at csail
Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:53 2008