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Take the hint

I'm not always the most perceptive person in the world. Sometimes people try to tell me things, and I miss the point. I have now received the exact same piece of spam twice. This in itself is not that interesting as those of you with email addresses know. What makes it more interesting is that the spam was not sent to me personally, but rather to other people that conscientiously took the time to forward it on to me.

But wait, it gets better! (I learned that line from spam too)

The people that sent it to me also happen to be respected faculty in our department. Now I know you're just dying to know who they are, what they sent me (you could just scroll to the bottom and read it you know, just because I wrote this in sequential order doesn't mean you have to read it that way), and what message they are trying to tell me... I'll give you a couple hints. One of them is my advisor (that should be a big hint and you don't get any more hints for him, except that he is a him). The other is not my advisor (that should not be a big hint, there will be more hints about him or her--yes, the person is a him or her). Both have spent time mucking around on glaciers (not likely to be a big hint, but a very interesting fact to know and tell--as I have just done). The last hint is that the second person can be very dangerous. Especially if you use dirty nasty words like "Bayes rule" <shudder>...

Here's the famous email that started it all, and then restarted it all...

Subject: Important: 4.00 GPA!

Dear Student,

Would you be interested in achieving an outstanding 4.00 GPA? Academic excellency is  absolutely manageable. Would you like to find out how better to:

- get an "A" grade on every exam;
- concentrate when tired or bored;
- increase your retention rate by 200%;
- learn faster and reduce 3 times the time for studying;
- take notes and use them for studying ;
- never have problems with writing assignments;
- learn how to combat effectively test anxiety;
- prepare for a test and how to ace it;

and much more...

If your answer to the questions above is .YES. then reply to my e-mail. I have all the answers that you need. I have the key that will lead you to academic success!

You can have a very exciting and rewarding academic year!

Andy Hewitt, PhD
Education Specialist

Unfortunately, my answer to the above was "Yes" and not the correct answer of ".YES." so my bad punctuation and capitalization skills have thwarted me again. Apparently, I'm not even eligible for spam offers. Drat... If only someone could help me concentrate when,..., oh I forget...

Anyway I'll buy a free "frosty one" to the first person to guess the players involved. I think you can all guess what they are trying to say, but I'm open to suggestions(*), so bring them on up to...

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

              For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

(*) Please don't reply-all. If you do, every person on this list will remind you that you shouldn't have. Bwahahaha.

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Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:53 2008