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Spring Broke

It's Spring and I'm broke. Wait, I got that a bit confused. Let me have another go at it... "It's Spring Break!" You know what that means don't you? No its not lots of drunken swim suit styling college kids trying to sleep with each other, that's just the TV version. The true meaning of Spring Break, to me anyway, is sitting in my office writing pointless dribble to hundreds of lab mates. In your case this translates into sitting in your office reading pointless dribble from one of your lab mates. Either way it's unlikely to involve a swim suit or a kiddie pool full of Jello (and if it does, I don't want to know about it. Well maybe I do, it depends on the flavor of the Jello).

So the point of Spring Break is that there are no classes which as all grad students know means that Spring Break is the only week of the entire year when you can actually get some work done. No I'm not just trying to suck up to my advisor after last weeks, debacle, this is really true. But one thing is more important than Spring Break and will never change. That thing is GSB. We are like the pony express, the US Mail, and Global Warming. We will continue no matter what. If that means leaving my research for an hour or two to meet some friends and benefit some scouts, well, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make in the name of Spring Break and GSB! Show your Spring Patriotism and loathing of tourists, er... I mean terrorists at tonights (yes it's happening in case you haven't been paying attention) Spring Broke edition of...

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

              For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

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Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:53 2008