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Three Sheets to the Wind

There's more than one way to skin a cat. But unless you go the whole nine yards you may never know what they are. On the other side of the coin, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush so maybe you really should just put your nose to the grindstone and perfect one good cat skinning method. Alternatively you could just focus on shaving your yaks. Regardless, someone's bound to let the cat out of the bag and we'll all need to go back to square one at the eleventh hour.

Don't blow your top though, because the bottom line is that if we burn the midnight oil, we might survive by the skin of our teeth. (No, I'm not shooting from the hip, I'm shooting square with you).

If you've bit off more than you can chew, don't beat around the bush, give it your best shot, then call it a day. We at GSB will be all ears. At least until we're all three sheets to the wind, at which point we may be all thumbs.

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

              For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

P.S. My apologies to anyone who isn't a native English speaker

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Small GSB Logo Small GSB Logo Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn yaks, the den-mothers at csail

Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:52 2008