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Gator Attacks Naked Man On Crack

So you thought you had a bad day. I had to wake up at 6:30am to cook lunch for 60 people. My coffee got cold before I could drink it. I haven't had a chance to get any work done yet today and its already 2:30.

But on the other hand, I can be grateful that I didn't strip off all my cloths, smoke some crack, pass out and get half eaten by an 11ft alligator at 4 in the morning. Now that's a bad day. Seriously, some guy smoked crack, stripped off his cloths (order of events is uncertain) and was half eaten by an alligator somewhere in Florida. The police had to go searching through the swamp following his screams to find him and rescue him. The news articles didn't report if the thankful crack smoker offered his rescuers some of his stash or not. They also didn't report if the alligator was looking for a fix when he attacked the man. They did report that the alligator they caught in the area was acting aggressively. Maybe he'd gotten his first hit from chewing on the guy and was ornery looking for his next hit, who knows. I'm no crack psychologist.

Regardless I'll leave you with a few of the choice newspaper headlines from this momentous day in history:

"Gator Attacks Naked Man On Crack," CBS News
"He was naked, on crack and in alligator's mouth," Seattle Times
"Victim: Gator attacked after nude crack-smoking," USA Today
"Wildlife Official Reminds: No Feeding Gators," The Ledger, FL (does this apply to crack? Is this a reprimand to the crack smoker?)
"Nude crack man in alligator rescue," Metro, UK
"Florida gator clamps down on skinny dipper", Houston Chronicle

And winning the award for most humorous when mis-parsed:
"Naked, drugged man attacked by alligator remains in hospital,"
Sun-Sentinel.com, FL. Apparently not only are alligators dangerous (don't feed them by the way), but even the remains can fight back, even in the hospital. (Computers may not be perfect parsers but then again, neither am I).

While we aren't allowed to feed 12ft gators in Stata (let alone get naked and smoke crack) I have been informed that we will have some freshly cooked bacon at GSB... And maybe some soup too!

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             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

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      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

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Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:52 2008