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Today's GSB Edu-ma-cation

As a Den Mother it is my task to edu-ma-cate you.

We start with your musical & shell command skilz edu-ma-cation:
(caution some explicit lyrics)

We then move on to your Lab Lore Edu-ma-cation in which I edu-ma-cate you by example. In this case the examples come from GSL. Not only have the last couple GSL providers provided yummies for your tummies they have provided chuckles for your yuckles in their zingy messages. All future GSL providers had best take notice that the GSL message is a fine art form that has been honorably practiced of late. So don't screw it up by writing a lame message!

To those clever folks out there want to write GSB messages too? My end draws near but you could continue the lab's Edu-ma-cation regiment.

I've included the last two GSL messages for your enjoyment. If you aren't on GSL, Naaa Naaa Naaa na Naaa na. See what you're missing!

On 3/9/07, Chris Crutchfield:
Alright class, welcome to 21H.950: The History of Foods. Please sit down. No no, please, save the applause for after the lecture! Is anybody scribing? Ah good, thank you!

Today we'll be learning about the exciting history of various foods from around the world. Be sure to take notes as there will be a quiz tomorrow.

First we'll learn about Bul-Go-Gi. Bul-Go-Gi is a Korean dish made from grilled, marinated beef and various vegetables. Roughly translated, Bul-Go-Gi means "Forbidden Beefiness of Awesome". What? That's not what it means, you say? You say it means "fire meat"? Very funny, Sooho. Please see me after class.

Next we have the famous Caesar Salad. Now, Caesar Salad is an ancient dish that dates all the way back to the Romaine Empire. According to local mythology, it was invented by the emperor himself, Julius Salad (hence the name). Those of you who are history buffs may recall his famous last words: "Et tu, Croute?"

Alright, class is dismissed. Be sure to attend tomorrow's lecture, Friday at 12:30PM in G9, where we will quiz you on today's material and in addition cover traditional Eastern European salad and stew (vegetarian), Pita bread with Hummus and Tabbouleh (vegetarian), and cake. We've also brought in samples of all the aforementioned dishes for you to try, as well as some refreshments.

- Professors Chris Crutchfield, Zoran Dzunic, Seungkook Yun, and Yoav Zibin

March 1, 2007
Dear Mother and Dad,
I am very happy here at grad camp. They feed me well, and the ramen is yummy. I made friends with Toad Boy and Burp Girl, and once I almost died off a cliff but the counselor throwed me back. We play games like "hide and go research" and "procrastinate." Sumtimes I do the maths, and my friend dee-bugs, which I think means he has flies in him.

My friends and I are making lunch for GSL tomorrow! (By the way GSL is lunch for us and the others.) We will have chicken/tuna/veggie rice mushroom casserole, just like you make it. And also stuffed red peppers. And also carrot cake! And maybe worms.

I miss you.  Send me moneys?

Michael, Harr, Jenny and Biliana

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

              For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

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Small GSB Logo Small GSB Logo Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn yaks, the den-mothers at csail

Last updated: Fri Feb 22 19:38:52 2008