Unix Time
- To: csail-related@, gsb@
- Subject: Unix Time
- From: "Andrew \"Jamoozy\" Correa" <jamoozy@>
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 13:54:17 -0500
It's Friday the 13th. Be afraid, very afraid.
It's been an interesting day so far. Granted, I haven't experienced as
much of it as some of you (though quite a bit more than most of you,
from what I've heard), but what little I've experienced of it has been
And it's Friday the 13th.
Unix time. Interesting. Today at 18:31:30 it's going to be unix time
1234567890. Fancy that. If you want to see where the Boston party is
being held, go here: http://www.1234567890day.com/ But I think you all
know where I think you should be at 1234567890.
And it's Friday the 13th.
People have been expressing concern to me, that there seems to be
increased cocaine usage at lab. I'd like to assure everyone that this
is not the case. These "coke bunnies" (or whatever they call
themselves) are merely soda enthusiasts. Please rest assured that no
one is doing anything illegal at CSAIL that is drug-related. That's
most of the reason we don't have a drug-related@ (I guess
the other part of the reason is that's what csail-related@ is
And it's Friday the 13th.
Also, TiG changed their doors today. They swapped doors between where
their old entrance was, and where their new entrance is. I think
today's the first day its been that way, correct me if I'm wrong.
Yessiree-do-bob, times are a-changin'
And it's Friday the 13th.
With all the crazy things happening at lab, I think it's time we all had
an ice-cold, frosty, frothy beverage at this week's:
+- -+
girl scout benefit -+- 5:30 pm -+- 32-G9 lounge
+- -+
For those coming from elsewhere: Building 32 is
Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at
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Brought to you by the few, the proud, the owners of the closest shorn
yaks, the den-mothers at csail
Last updated: Fri Mar 06 16:03:07 2009