Trivial Pursuit
Hosted by Randall Davis
Thursday, January
22 5:15pm
7th floor playroom
The game is regular Trivial Pursuit: Genius Edition with the four
teams each a
different player on the board. Your team
delegates one of your members to answer questions and decide where to
When your turn comes up, you move to a square, and the moderator
asks your team the
question. You talk among yourselves, agree on an
answer, and the delegate gives it to the moderator. If it's right,
you keep going.
To finish, you must first fill in all six wedges on your
pie. Then, you must get to the center and answer five of six questions on the
next card. If you get more than one wrong, you have to come out of the
center, come back in, and try again.
A team's final score is 1/{Number of rounds needed to finish}.