Thank you for registering!
Please answer the questions below.
We will use your answers to pick your team and introduce you to your teammates.
What is your name?
What is your email?
What is your gender? Female      Male
Approximately what fraction of events do you plan to participate in? 1/4
The following entries are optional.
Please enter a URL that points to a small picture of you
What role would you play in your own personal sitcom? (e.g. Wacky Neighbor; Loving, but harried working mom; Cantankerous boss, etc.)
What would be your catchphrase? (e.g. "There's no fizzle in my bezizzle")
Please enter a password, so you can edit these values later. (This site is not secure, so don't reuse a password you use for sensitive data.)
Confirm your password

Please send bugs/problems/questions to the olympics commissioner