9:00 am |
Introduction: workshop goals
9:10 am |
Focused interaction session
9:45 am |
Invited talk: Collective decision-making by ant colonies: Linking group and individual behavior Stephen Pratt School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
10:30 am |
Coffee break
10:45 am |
Invited talk: Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems Sonia Martinez Diaz Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), University of California at San Diego
11:30 am |
Short research presentations Rational swarms for distributed on-line bayesian search Macroscopic information processing in natural systems as an
insight for swarm robotics Genetic structure and cohesion of insect societies Energy-efficient multi-robot rendezvous: Parallel solutions by
embodied approximation Roadmap-based group behaviors
12:30 pm | Even shorter research presentations
Complexity metrics for distributed algorithms on multi-robot
systems Agreement in distributed reinforcement learning
12:40 pm | Lunch
2:00 pm | Collaborative brainstorming:
2:45 pm | Coffee break
3:00 pm |
Discussion: Finding uses and applications for mathematical tools in robotics and biology: parallels and equivalences.
3:30 pm |
Discussion: Language gap, differences, reconciliation.
4:00 pm | Discussion: Most profitable areas of collaboration,
study plan.
4:30 pm |
Wrap-up |
Discussion topics tentative and subject to change with the flow of the workshop.