Uses of Interface

Packages that use IHasPOS Provides the main dictionary interface and a default implementation. Provides classes and interfaces for the creation, searching, and interpretation of dictionary data sources. Provides classes and interfaces that represent the Wordnet data structures. Provides several simple classes that can be used to find the stems of words using Wordnet. 

Uses of IHasPOS in

Classes in that implement IHasPOS
 class DataSourceDictionary.DataFileIterator
          Iterates over data files.
 class DataSourceDictionary.ExceptionFileIterator
          Iterates over exception files.
 class DataSourceDictionary.FileIterator<T,N>
          Abstract class used for iterating over line-based files.
 class DataSourceDictionary.FileIterator2<T>
          A file iterator where the data type returned by the iterator is the same as that returned by the backing data source.
 class DataSourceDictionary.IndexFileIterator
          Iterates over index files.
 class DataSourceDictionary.SenseEntryFileIterator
          Iterates over the sense file.

Uses of IHasPOS in

Subinterfaces of IHasPOS in
 interface IContentType<T>
           Objects that implement this interface represent all possible types of content that are contained in the dictionary data resources.

Classes in that implement IHasPOS
 class ContentType<T>
          A concrete implementation of the IContentType interface.

Uses of IHasPOS in

Subinterfaces of IHasPOS in
 interface IExceptionEntry
          Represents an entry in an exception file (e.g., verb.exc or exc.vrb).
 interface IExceptionEntryID
          A unique identifier sufficient to retrieve the specified exception entry from Wordnet.
 interface IIndexWord
          A Wordnet index word object, represented in the Wordnet files as a line in an index file.
 interface IIndexWordID
          A unique identifier for an index word.
 interface ILexFile
          A description of a Wordnet lexical file.
 interface ISenseEntry
          A Wordnet sense entry object, represented in the Wordnet files as a line in the sense entry.
 interface ISenseKey
          A sense key is a unique string that identifies a Wordnet word (an IWord).
 interface ISynset
          Represents a synset.
 interface ISynsetID
          A unique identifier for a synset, sufficient to retrieve it from the Wordnet database.
 interface IWord
          A word, which in Wordnet is an index word paired with a synset.
 interface IWordID
          A unique identifier sufficient to retrieve a particular word from the Wordnet database.

Classes in that implement IHasPOS
 class ExceptionEntry
          Default implementation of IExceptionEntry
 class ExceptionEntryID
          Default implementation of IExceptionEntryID.
 class IndexWord
          Default implementation of IIndexWord.
 class IndexWordID
          Default implementation of IIndexWordID.
 class LexFile
          Concrete implementation of the ILexFile interface.
 class SenseEntry
          Concrete implementation of the ISenseEntry interface.
 class SenseKey
          Concrete, default implementation of the ISenseKey interface.
 class Synset
          Default implementation of the ISynset interface.
 class SynsetID
          Default implementation of the ISynsetID interface
 class UnknownLexFile
          Represents 'unknown' lexical files.
 class Word
          Default implementation of the IWord interface.
 class WordID
          Default implementation of the IWordID interface.

Uses of IHasPOS in

Subinterfaces of IHasPOS in
 interface IStemmingRule
          A rule for deriving a stem (a.k.a., root or lemma) from a word.

Classes in that implement IHasPOS
 class StemmingRule
          Default implementation of the IStemmingRule interface.

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