Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISynset Provides the main dictionary interface and a default implementation. Provides classes and interfaces for the creation, searching, and interpretation of dictionary data sources. Provides classes and interfaces that parse lines from Wordnet files. Provides classes and interfaces that represent the Wordnet data structures. 

Uses of ISynset in

Fields in with type parameters of type ISynset
protected  java.util.Map<POS,java.util.Map<ISynsetID,ISynset>> RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.synsets

Methods in that return ISynset
 ISynset RAMDictionary.getSynset(ISynsetID id)
 ISynset IDictionary.getSynset(ISynsetID id)
          Retrieves the synset with the specified id from the database.
 ISynset DataSourceDictionary.getSynset(ISynsetID id)
 ISynset CachingDictionary.getSynset(ISynsetID id)
protected  ISynset RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.makeSynset(ISynset old)
          Creates a new synset object that replaces all the old internal ISynsetID objects with those from the denoted synsets, thus throwing away redundant sysnet ids.
 ISynset DataSourceDictionary.DataFileIterator.parseLine(java.lang.String line)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ISynset
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> RAMDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> IDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
          Returns an iterator that will iterate over all synsets of the specified part of speech.
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> DataSourceDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
 java.util.Iterator<ISynset> CachingDictionary.getSynsetIterator(POS pos)
protected  java.util.Iterator<ISynset> RAMDictionary.HotSwappableSynsetIterator.makeIterator()

Methods in with parameters of type ISynset
protected  void CachingDictionary.cacheSynset(ISynset synset)
          Caches the specified synset and its words.
protected  ISynset RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.makeSynset(ISynset old)
          Creates a new synset object that replaces all the old internal ISynsetID objects with those from the denoted synsets, thus throwing away redundant sysnet ids.
protected  IWord RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.makeWord(ISynset newSynset, ISynset oldSynset, IWord old)
          Creates a new word object that replaces all the old internal IWordID objects with those from the denoted words, thus throwing away redundant word ids.
protected  void DataSourceDictionary.setHeadWord(ISynset synset)
          This method sets the head word on the specified synset by searching in the dictionary to find the head of its cluster.
 IWord RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.WordBuilder.toWord(ISynset synset)

Constructors in with parameters of type ISynset
RAMDictionary.DictionaryData.WordBuilder(ISynset oldSynset, IWord oldWord)
          Constructs a new word builder object out of the specified old synset and word.

Uses of ISynset in

Fields in with type parameters of type ISynset
static DataType<ISynset> DataType.DATA
static ContentType<ISynset> ContentType.DATA_ADJECTIVE
static ContentType<ISynset> ContentType.DATA_ADVERB
static ContentType<ISynset> ContentType.DATA_NOUN
static ContentType<ISynset> ContentType.DATA_VERB

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ISynset
static IContentType<ISynset> ContentType.getDataContentType(POS pos)
          Use this convenience method to retrieve the appropriate ISynset content type for the specified POS.

Uses of ISynset in

Methods in that return ISynset
 ISynset DataLineParser.parseLine(java.lang.String line)

Uses of ISynset in

Classes in that implement ISynset
 class Synset
          Default implementation of the ISynset interface.

Methods in that return ISynset
 ISynset Word.getSynset()
 ISynset IWord.getSynset()
          Returns the synset uniquely identified by this word.

Methods in with parameters of type ISynset
 IWord Synset.IWordBuilder.toWord(ISynset synset)
          Creates the word represented by this builder.
 IWord Synset.WordBuilder.toWord(ISynset synset)

Constructors in with parameters of type ISynset
SenseKey(java.lang.String lemma, int lexID, ISynset synset)
          Constructs a new sense key.
Word(ISynset synset, int number, java.lang.String lemma, int lexID, AdjMarker adjMarker, java.util.List<IVerbFrame> frames, java.util.Map<IPointer,? extends java.util.List<IWordID>> pointers)
          Constructs a new word object.
Word(ISynset synset, IWordID id, int lexID, AdjMarker adjMarker, java.util.List<IVerbFrame> frames, java.util.Map<IPointer,? extends java.util.List<IWordID>> pointers)
          Constructs a new word object.

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