Data Downloads

File Downloads

At the following link you can download all the datafiles:

File Overview

At the following link, please find the listing of each experiment with its size, duration and distance travelled:

Contents of ROS Bags

Topics logged:

Topic nameROS Message TypeSensorFreq
/base_scansensor_msgs/LaserScanHokuyo UTM-30LX Laser40Hz
/tilt_scansensor_msgs/LaserScanHokuyo UTM-30LX Laser40Hz
/base_odometry/odmnav_msgs/OdometryWheel Odom [Raw]44Hz
/robot_pose_ekf/odom_combinedgeometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStampedWheel Odom [Integrated]25Hz
/torso_lift_imu/datasensor_msgs/ImuMicrostrain 3DM-GX2 IMU100Hz

In addition most bags contain either the wide baseline stereo:

/wide_stereo [l+r]sensor_msgs/ImageWillow Garage Stereo30Hz
/wide_stereo info [l+r]sensor_msgs/CameraInfon/a30Hz

Or an RGB-D sensor (Microsoft Kinect):

/camera [rgb+depth]sensor_msgs/ImageMicrosoft Kinect30Hz
/camera info [rgb+depth]sensor_msgs/CameraInfon/a30Hz

Other measurements logged are as follows:

Topic nameROS Message TypeSensorFreq

Data Provided

For each experiment we provide the following:

In addition we also provide Ground Truth poses of the laser and stereo camera (left lens) for each frame of 17 of the bag.


These floorplans are presented as XML files and were curated by Alper Aydemir of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden:

3D Models

As built building models in various formats: