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TALK:Friday 5-5-06 THESIS DEFENSE: The application of the law of error to the work of the Brewery

Thesis defense
Speaker: Student (aka William Sealy Gosset)
Speaker Affiliation: Guinness Breweries
Host: Assn. of Den Mothers
Host Affiliation: MIT CSAIL

Date: 5-5-2006
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Location: 32-G9 lounge

Title: The application of the law of error to the work of the Brewery


In this thesis I will present statistical methods for small samples. I have named the resulting distribution after myself: the "Student t-distribution". The basic premise of this work is the observation of the proportionality of Guinness to student productivity, publication, and ultimately graduation. We will refer to this observation as the "as good as a loaf of bread" axiom. This theory is a dramatic step forward from related work by Maruchan on "the pack of noodles a day keeps the student at work" principle. This theory has shown over time to lead to depression, MSG induced shakes and sweats, and over extended application, failure to graduate.

I will discuss these principles in greater details with relation to other current research and applications to daily student life. Time permitting, I will also expound on the origins of the Irish Toucan commonly associated with this work and metaphysical angst that it has often induced by ornithologists and statisticians alike. I will also comment on the the cryptic and highly controversial experiments in which it was stated (and I Quote):

    Toucans in their tests agree
    Guinness is good for you.
    Try some today and see
    What one or toucan do

Pending the outcome of the defense, a catered reception will coincide with the presentation.

After the public portion of the defense all members of the community with PhD's, parched throats, or long multi colored beaks suitable for balancing pint glasses, may further question the candidate or sample the host's wares.

Thesis Supervisor:
Arthur Guinness

Thesis Committee:
Dr. Hammond (for her dedication to, and extensive knowledge of, the craft of brewing)
Professor Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (for statistical consultation)
Dr. Sezgin (who was instrumental in the creation and inspiration of this announcement)

Relevant URL(S):

           +-                                                  -+
             girl scout benefit -+-  5:30 pm  -+- 32-G9 lounge
           +-                                                  -+

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          Once you are in 32, just take the G-elevator to the 9th
      floor and we will be in the lounge that you will be looking at

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