More info gets added to this page as available.
The Expanded MIT Spam Conference 2008 was held (again at MIT) on March 27 and 28, 2008, (Thursday & Friday).
(Check out if you want to see what happened last year.)
The MIT Spam Conference 2009 (SC 2009) was held at MIT, on March 26-27, 2009.
08 December 2008 - The SC 2009 Call for Papers has been announced. Please click through to the CFP for submission guidelines.
12 December 2008 - Location, location, location: SC 2009 will be held in room 34-101 (click through to for a map & directions).
08 January 2009 - Comcast announced today that it would continue its sponsorship of the Spam Conference. THANK YOU!
26 January 2009 - The MIT Spam Conference 2008 papers & presentations are now available for download (in a gzipped tar archive) from (Individual papers & slide presentations from SC2008 are linked to the 2008 accepted papers list on the MIT Spam Conference 2008 webpage.)
26 January 2009 - A local lodging option offers a discount to MIT conference attendees. If you say you are attending an MIT conference, you get a $175 rate at the Kendall Hotel in Kendall Square. (They also are currently listing a 'No Frills' Package on their website for $99 per night. Check it out.)
26 January 2009 - Registration is now open (and it's still free for all attendees)! Please email the conference's chair Kathy Liszka, with your name and email address to be added to the registration list.
18 February 2009 - 30 registrations received so far with several folks coming from Europe!!!
28 February 2009 - Registrations continue to trickle in; we're up to 41 registrants now. Also, there are 12 presentations already scheduled (keynote talks, papers, presentation-only, and two short workshops). There's plenty of room for lots more of both!
Send your name & email address to the conference chair if you're interested in registering or check the CFP for submission guidelines) if you want to submit/present your work!
02 March 2009 - Net Atlantic announced its sponsorship of and expected attendance at the MIT Spam Conference. THANKS!!!
13 March 2009 - We're up to 58 people registered. Don't think that it's too late, go on & email the conference chair with your name (& email address) to register for the conference. (If you don't tell us you're coming, we might not have enough muffins in the morning!)
17 March 2009 - The conference agenda has been posted!
18 March 2009 - One week and one day to go!!!! and we've gotten 66 attendees registered so far! Kathy Liszka, the conference chair is still accepting registrations (just send her your name & email address).
23 March 2009 - There's about 80 people registered for the conference this week, see you all in a few days!
26 March 2009 - MAP (png) to tonight's function at the Cambridge Brewing Company. Thanks, Comcast!
30 March 2009 - Join the MIT Spam Conference LinkedIn Group to contact fellow SC attendees and other anti-spam researchers year-round.
30 March 2009 - Papers and presentations from the 2009 conference are now available for download.
13 April 2009 - Pictures have been posted of various presenters during their talks at the 2009 Spam Conference.
August 2009 - Preparations are underway for the MIT Spam Conference 2010. Please hold the 25th & 26th of March 2010 in your calendars. Call for papers, venue announcements, and all the other frooby goodness of SC2010 conference details will be forthcoming as it's known.
15 September 2009 - Call for Papers! PDF | MSWord | ASCII
21 January 2010 - Spam Conference 2010 will be held again on the first floor of MIT's building 34 (in room 34-101). For those of you who haven't attended before (or those of you who want a refresher of campus geography), here is a map showing building 34. See you all on March 25th & 26th!
PS-Please note that the paper submission deadline is only 11 days away (February 1st). The CFP is online as follows: PDF | MSWord | ASCII
26 February 2010 - The list of accepted papers is now available from
28 February 2010 - Comcast is continuing its support of the Spam Conference with sponsorship. THANK YOU, COMCAST! (Look for details of their Thursday evening reception to appear here shortly.)
4 March 2010 - The Thursday evening reception will happen again this year! Registered attendees of the conference are welcome to join the Comcast reception hosts at the Cambridge Brewing Company on Thursday, March 25th, at 6pm. Thanks, again, Comcast!
4 March 2010 - The MIT Spam Conference 2010 has published its working agenda.
For more information about past iterations of the Spam Conference as well as copies of the actual papers submitted to them, please visit the main Spam Conference website at
For other Spam-Conference-like events, go to .
In particular, the Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group can be
found at
Last modified: Fri Mar 26 11:47:10 EDT 2010